A graphic of a school building with a flag on top inside of a circle and  the words "Schools of Choice Applications"
Rita Broekema receives a box containing a Golden Apple Award from Board of Education representative Eric Laws
Ryan Smith stands in back.  In front are children Ryan and Maddison and teacher, Angela Schmidt
an artist rendering of a concession stand
Children and Adults at tables in the North School gym.  The children are playing bingo to win books.
A bunch of basketball on the floor up next to folded up bleachers
A flyer with the details fo a Holiday Book Bingo for North and South School Families on December 7, 2022, 5:30-6:30 PM in the North School Gym.  Every student attending will  leave with at least one book.
Elementary age children sit at a long table enjoying a meal served on trays.
Four high school student members of the Esports team seated in chairs and two sit on the floor.