A tornado was spotted near Buchanan at 4:58 PM and a warning was issued by NWS. It has since moved over Berrien Springs and Indian Lake. We are sheltering all students at WHS until 5:45. After that, students should be ready to leave. We are keeping students in the locker rooms at the gym. Thank you for your patience. Our students safety is our top priority and we appreciate your support as we make sure they are safe and out of harm's way.
9 months ago, Ric Seager
An Important Message From Watervliet Public Schools.
10 months ago, Ric Seager
SM Letter
On May 1 at 6 pm in the High School Media Center, the Watervliet Public Schools learning community will have the opportunity to view proposed curriculum resources for the 2024-2025 school year. Specifically, the review will make available the following: REAL ESSENTIALS - A sexual health curriculum for grades 5-12. Reveal - A K-12 Math curriculum. The Director of Curriculum will be available for questions at the public viewing.
10 months ago, Nancy Scowcroft
For Parents of children attending the YDC program at Watervliet North School: Student Pick-Up will be at 5:00 instead of 6:00 today only due to a conflict with the choir concert happening at North School this evening.
10 months ago, Watervliet Public Schools
We are looking forward to celebrating the Class of 2024 on May 31st!
10 months ago, Christina Powers
image of students
It's that time of year where we get to individually honor and recognize each of the members of the Class of 2024! No place better to start than with CHASE TREMBLAY!
10 months ago, Christina Powers
picture of student
"CAN" you help?
10 months ago, Nancy Scowcroft
Watervliet Panther Softball Can Dirve, April 21st 9:00 - 3:00, Drop off at the softball field
Students in Mrs. Riedinger's high school English are enjoying reading with partners.
10 months ago, Nancy Scowcroft
Three students reading books
Please help out the WHS Pantron-X Robotics Team by enjoying a great lunch or dinner at the Local Three today.
10 months ago, Nancy Scowcroft
Watervliet High School Robotics Team Give Back Night at Local 3 Grill & Tap, Thursday, April 11, 2024.  10% 0f proceeds will be donated to the team for travel to the World Campionships in Houston, Texas April 17-24, 2024.
Watervliet Public Schools Regular Meeting of the Board of Education April 8, 2024 Watervliet High School Auditorium 450 East Red Arrow Highway Watervliet, MI 49098 6:00 P.M
10 months ago, Bill Tiefenbach
All families are invited to the annual MS/HS Talent show TONIGHT at 7 PM in the auditorium. The cost is the donation of your choice. Please come out to support our Panthers! The show will repeat Saturday night at 7 PM as well.
11 months ago, Christina Powers
image of poster
THANK YOU to our WATERVLIET families and staff who supported us last night at the McTeacher Night in Coloma! We appreciated your time and efforts in supporting Watervliet Public Schools!
11 months ago, Christina Powers
image of people at McDonalds
TONIGHT is the NIGHT! Please stop by the McDonald's in Coloma to make a donation, buy a cookie, or get dinner for the whole family. WHS needs your support!
11 months ago, Christina Powers
image of poster
Families with young children, don't miss the Kindergarten and Young 5s Roundup this Thursday and Saturday.
11 months ago, Nancy Scowcroft
Flier with details of Kindergarten and Young 5s Round Up  March 21 5:00-7:00 and March 23 12:00- 1:30 PM at South School, 433 Lucinda Lane, Watervliet
Due to illness leaving us with too few drivers to run bus routes, all Watervliet Schools will be closed today, Monday, March 18th.
11 months ago, Ric Seager
Coming in April to Watervliet Elementary Schools! Details coming soon...
11 months ago, Nancy Scowcroft
text:  One District One Book is coming!  What will our title be?  Read to Them
Please consider joining us on March 16 to help WPS Nutrition Services worker April Shindeldecker and her family in their time of need.
11 months ago, Nancy Scowcroft
Flier for Chili Cook Off Benefit for April Shindeldecker, March 16, 1-4 PM at Archlight Brewing Co..  Silent Auction, Bake Sale, Chili Cook Off
Quarter Auction this Sunday!
11 months ago, Christina Powers
image of flyer
RETREAT AGENDA PLANNING & GOAL SETTING MEETING WATERVLIET PUBLIC SCHOOLS BOARD OF EDUCATION SATURDAY MARCH 9, 2024 FAIRFIELD INN & SUITES CONFERENCE ROOM 8258 ARNT BLVD WATERVLIET, MI 49098 “This meeting is a meeting of the Board of Education in public for the purpose of conducting the School District’s business and is not to be considered a public community meeting. There is a time for public participation during the meeting as indicated in the agenda. Upon prior request to the Superintendent, the District shall make reasonable accommodation for a person with disabilities to be able to participate in this meeting.” NOTE - BREAKFAST WILL BE SERVED @ 8:00 A.M. I. CALL TO ORDER II. ROLL CALL III. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA IV. DISCUSSION ITEMS A. Breakfast B. Culture Dialogue - with Admin C. Board - Other V. BOARD and PUBLIC PARTICIPATION VI. ADJOURN
11 months ago, Bill Tiefenbach
PRESS RELEASE Contact Information Watervliet Public Schools 460 East Red Arrow Highway Watervliet, MI 49098 Office of the Board and Superintendent 269-463-0300 rseager@watervlietps.org Date March 6, 2024 The Special Retreat Board meeting of the Board of Education will be at 8:00 AM on Saturday, March 9, 2024. The meeting will be held in the Fairfield Inn & Suites Conference Room located at 8258 Arnt Blvd, Watervliet, MI 49098.
11 months ago, Bill Tiefenbach