Panther fans, come out tonight to cheer on our Panther volleyball team as they take on Bridgman in the District Final, 6:00 PM at WHS. All tickets must be purchased online at this link:

Our North Elementary students love it when the "big kids" from the high school come to hang out with them. These current WHS varsity athletes are great role models for the future Panther high school students and athletes.

The theme of this year's Watervliet Middle School Red Ribbon Poster contest was "Celebrate Life - Live Drug Free". Here is the winning poster contributed by (from left to right) Caroline Weber, Abby Shriver, and Gracie Moore.

Please support the Watervliet Public Schools Foundation for Excellence as it supports our schools and community projects.

Berrien County Sheriff Deputy Hahn spoke to WMS Student Council members about the leadership skills needed in law enforcement. The students were able to eat breakfast together and ask him questions about his career. Thank you Deputy Hahn for visiting Watervliet Middle School.

BRESA is seeking input from the local communities regarding planning for a common Spring Break in the county. Please take a few minutes to complete this survey to assist our planning.
Thank you!

Job Posting

Job Posting

Congratulations Mrs. Diane Collis on your retirement from Watervliet!

Parents, please be aware that our buses are transporting students in the morning when it is still dark outside. On some routes, buses are required to back up and turn around. When vehicle headlights are shining in the bus mirrors, it is nearly impossible for the driver to see. If you are parked at a bus stop where a turn-around is required, we ask you to please turn off your headlights so that our drivers can turn the bus around safely. Thank you for your cooperation. The safety of our students is our number one priority.

Apparently, Watervliet Panther Football now has international appeal! Four Australian young men saw the crowd of cars and people at WHS on Friday and stopped in to see what was going on. Having never experienced American Football before, they decided to stay a while and check it out!
Here Bradley Burns, Tyler Jeff, Riley Fucsko, and Liam Rossetto are pictured with Stacy Morrison, who was working at the gate for the Panther Athletics Department. The Aussies were in the US to participate in the Motocross of Nations event which was held at Red Bud in Buchanan last weekend.

Check this out!

School lunch at the beach -- what could be better on a beautiful early September day? Students enjoyed this activity in conjunction with North Elementary School's PBIS positive behavior efforts.

Las Noches De Regreso A La Escuala
(Back-to-School Night for Spanish Speakers

Congratulations to Braelyn Campbell and Remington Burke, this year's recipients of Watervliet's Elementary School Outstanding Girl and Outstanding Boy Physical Education 6-Year Awards.

A commencement ceremony for W-A-Y Watervliet High School graduating seniors will be held this evening, Wednesday, June 8th at 6:30 PM in the WHS auditorium. You are invited to join us in celebrating the success of our newest graduating class. Congratulations to the W-A-Y Class of Spring, 2022!

Mrs. Bohl's class earned medals for 2nd place and Ms Romeo's class was recognized as 3rd for sportsmanship at North School Field Day last week. Congratulations!

Mrs. Laws' 5th Grade Class won 1st place for Sportsmanship on North School's Field Day. Way to work for the Gold Panthers!

Watervliet High School's 2022 graduation ceremony will be held on Friday, June 3rd at 6:30 PM in Panther Stadium.
The W-A-Y Watervliet High School graduation ceremony will be held on Wednesday, June 8 at 6:30 PM in the WHS Auditorium.
Come celebrate our graduates with us!

Girls on the run 5k practice! #pantherpride #girlsontherun #northelementary